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Get Efficient and Effective Shopping Center Cleaning Services

When it comes to the retail industry, appearances matter. Making a good impression on customers when they enter your store or center is imperative to success. A clean and well-organized environment invites people in and encourages longer browsing times. The more they look, the more likely they are to buy. Maintaining a spotless retail center also improves your reputation and increases consumers' and business owners' trust.

Professional and Reliable

The Kleaning Kompany hires professionals who possess the same high standards and work ethic that we value as a company. We screen potential employees carefully and — once hired —provide them with in-depth training to ensure they have the expertise they need to get the job done right. Our teams are skilled in the cleaning industry’s most effective cleaning methods and technologies, and they understand the challenges shopping centers present to maintaining a safe and clean environment.

Retail facilities have a heightened need for contracting with companies that are trustworthy. In addition to carrying valuable merchandise, they cater to families, young people and the elderly, all of which are particularly vulnerable members of society. The Kleaning Kompany supplies our crews with uniforms and badges that make them easy to identify.

Clean and Sanitary

We recognize and respect that no two businesses have the same needs. When you partner with us, we work with you to identify your priorities and special requirements. From there, we develop a cleaning plan that is tailored to your specific circumstances. The Kleaning Kompany has flexible scheduling options that allow you to determine service times based on your operating hours and cleaning demands.

Any place that sees the kind of traffic shopping centers get are prime environments for the transmission of communicable diseases. The more people that use the space, the easier it is for germs to spread through the air and on high-touch surfaces. The Kleaning Kompany utilizes products and methods that are designed to sanitize as well as remove dirt.

Clean and Sanitary

Our cleaning teams work hard to ensure that the spaces they are responsible for are cleaned and sanitized to the highest standards. We use disinfectants that are effective at eliminating almost 100% of bacteria and viruses. What’s more, these products are safe for people and the environment. Our crews also utilize tools such as professional vacuums with HEPA filters and microfiber cloths and mopheads that are more effective at removing microbes from the air and from surfaces.

The cleaning teams approach every job with a focus on the details. They don’t just hit the high spots; they ensure that every surface is spotless. When a deep clean is needed, The Kleaning Kompany can be counted on to get it done efficiently and effectively. Some of the services we provide for shopping centers include:

  • Cleaning and sanitizing food courts, play areas and restrooms
  • Removing litter and trash
  • Cleaning escalators and elevators
  • Cleaning windows and skylights
  • Mopping high-traffic floors
  • Vacuuming and cleaning carpeted areas

A Cleaning Service You Can Depend On

The Kleaning Kompany understands how important it is for you to partner with a dependable cleaning company you can trust. You can count on us to deliver professional and reliable cleaning services for your shopping center. For more information, give us a call today at (888)395-0280.